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Designer Thandiwe Mjima for international recognition

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Blantyre-based visual art designer Thandiwe Mjima has unveiled plans to showcase her designs internationally for more recognition.

Her designs range from men and women clothes including home displays. Mjima displayed her products at the just ended Mwezi Wawala International Arts and Theatre Festival at Nanzikambe premises.

The festival also drew theatrical performances, storytelling, and traditional dances, among others.

“My plan is to begin with South Africa and then go overseas. I am young and need to be recognised if I am to get more business deals,” said Mjima.

She added that exhibiting at the festival has given her additional ideas on what people want.

“In this field, you have to explore what people like. It also needs thinking ahead of fashion,” she said.

The Mwezi Wawala event was the first of its kind in Malawi, where audiences had a chance to see all performances happening one after another at one place, at The Arts Café at Nanzikambe Arts premises.

There were also workshops conducted by professionals in their different artistic fields. Artists from countries such as Botswana, Ghana and Zimbabwe, attended the event.

Among other performances at the event were renowned storyteller Dyson Gonthi, Mudzi Cultural Dance
Troupe, Nanzikambe and Agoloso.

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